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For a safe deconfinement in complete safety
Personal protection, protective masks, visors, disinfection towers, separators, digital thermometers.
Home: About Us

Distributeurs Gel Alu

Distributeurs Gel personnalisés
Gamme complète de matériel de protection individuelle. Masques, gants, boucliers faciaux, gel désinfectant.

Bureaux, Hôtels, Restaurants
Panneaux de protection et séparateurs d'espace

Séparateurs carton

Distributeur de Gel

Stations de Désinfection
Dispositif de désinfection des mains

Totem hygiène HBox Access
Distributeur de gel totem

Totem hygiène HBox Desk
Distributeur de gel sur table

Totem hygiène HBox Premium
Distributeur de gel design

Totem hygiène HBox Lite
Distributeur de gel sur table
Our full range of items for safe and responsible decontainment
For QUANTITY ORDERS, please contact us directly:
PLEASE NOTE: for the moment, deliveries and deliveries are only possible on Swiss territory.
Non-contractual photographs and illustrations.
Packaging, colors may change depending on arrivals.
Regular updates.
Covidline: contact
Dear clients, is a range complementary to our product offer.
Do not hesitate to request our offers by email and we will be happy to answer you as soon as possible.
Home: Contact
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